Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Concerning Aquariums

Aquariums are some of my favorite places in the world, ever. If I am visiting a city for the first time, I judge whether I like it or not based on two main things: the food I eat and if it has a good aquarium. (Note: New York City is damned lucky I did not visit the aquarium before deciding to live here. Just saying.) I can literally stay for hours in these places, and that's saying something. My ADD usually kicks in after about 45 minutes even at places I love, like the MOMA or the Met. But there's something about aquariums that facinates me and soothes me. Maybe it's the soft music they play, maybe it's the blues and greens of the water, or maybe it's the slow movements of sea fans and anenomes swishing back and forth in the simulated surf. Anyway, you can probably guess my reaction when I saw this video:

To quote the inspirational Liz Lemon: I WANT TO GO TO THERE. Seriously. They have WHALE SHARKS!!!!! I'm seriously considering having my friend from Japan translate my resume so I can be one of those tiny scuba people floating around in the tank picking up whale shark crap in case the whole "Find a job in New York" doesn't pan out. Because I'd love it.

On a related note, it's also not a surprise that this is currently one of my favorite commercials on TV right now:

Any commercial with sea turtles and clown fish gets my approval, add manta rays and I'm yours. Good job VISA!


  1. Have you ever been to the New England Aquarium in Boston? It is built kind of like the guggenheim, with a big spiral floor design around a tank that spans several foors. It's really f'n cool. I obsessively loved it as a child.

  2. Yes I looove the one in Boston!!! The seals outside are so cool and the way you walk through the penguins is awesome. (Of course, me loving the penguin layout might have something to do with a super hot penguin-feeder I spotted one time.)
